Intestinal microbiome test
MyMicrobiome is a gut microbiota analysis that classifies an individual’s microbiome into population profiles associated with different pathologies, protection against diseases or with different beneficial characteristics for our organism.
My Microbioma
MyMicrobiome is a gut microbiota analysis that classifies an individual’s microbiome into population profiles associated with different pathologies, protection against diseases or with different beneficial characteristics for our organism.
MyMicrobiome provides a current picture of the state of the microbiota and can take the necessary measures to maintain or change the microbiome based on the results.
MyMicrobiome is a non-invasive test. The microbiome sample is taken from a stool sample, suitable for anyone.
Innovative technology that offers greater accuracy and depth in the results.
Once the sample is received in the laboratory, the estimated time to perform the test is a maximum of 25 days.
Who is MyMicrobiome aimed at?
The MyMicrobiome test is recommended for:
People with symptoms of diseases associated with an imbalance in the microbiota or intestinal dysbiosis.
People with gastrointestinal problems who wish to go further in their diagnosis.
All those who wish to know their gastrointestinal health status.
What is the microbiota?
The gut microbiota is the community of living microorganisms that are found in the digestive tract. The main functions of the gut microbiota are:
To help the body use nutrients that it is not able to assimilate on its own.
To prevent colonisation by certain micro-organisms that can lead to the development of diseases.
To stimulate and strengthen the immune system.
Why take the MyMicrobiome test?
A healthy, mature microbiota is composed of hundreds of different types of microorganisms that establish a stable and balanced relationship with humans. An imbalance among the members of the microbiota is known as dysbiosis, where the beneficial relationship with the human being can be compromised, representing the basis of many clinical conditions, not only related to the functioning of the digestive system but also to a myriad of associated pathologies.
Scientific evidence associates dysbiosis with some pathologies including cardiometabolic diseases such as diabetes, autoimmune diseases such as Crohn‘s disease and even some types of cancer, as well as important relationships with depression, atopic dermatitis, recurrent infections and neurodegenerative diseases.
The MyMicrobiome test will help to understand the structures of microbial populations by identifying different microbiota profiles and associating them with healthy or possibly pathological profiles. MyMicrobiome allows to identify possible intestinal imbalances or dysbiosis and relate it to the symptoms in order to prescribe a personalised treatment through the use of supplements such as prebiotics, probiotics or others.
In addition, small changes in lifestyle habits such as diet and physical activity can have a major impact on the microbiota towards restoring the balances necessary for improved gastrointestinal and ultimately human health.
Innovation and technology
While other methods of analysis such as culture, biochemical tests or specific PCR provide biased or low-resolution information on the composition of the microbiota, our test is based on a robust protocol for bacterial identification through the study of DNA sequences by PCR and massive next-generation sequencing, identifying and quantifying the V3-V4 region of the 16S ribosomal gene.
Both qualitative and quantitative analysis is involved, making it possible to know the names and relative quantities of the microorganisms found in the gastrointestinal tract.
Thanks to the amount of data accumulated and considering thousands of samples currently available, we have our own highly curated database, which allows us to classify each sample into different microbiota profiles or communities, associating them with risk or protection against pathologies such as some types of cancer, digestive, autoimmune or diabetes.